Monday, November 30, 2009


The Return

Nariko Kytori will return today so be on the look out for me. I'm sure I have a great deal of work that needs to be done. Please give me your respect and time to get matters in order before you bombard me with instant messages and questions. I will be happy to answer any questions you have after I get settled in to second life again. I will be on the search for the hordes new home and rebuilding all that was lost in the mishap. I'm so sorry this has happened, as a lot of you know. I have been away tending to personal matters; it was my intention to get back to you as soon as I could. With this new endeavor I will be taking all suggestions. If you have any suggestions please feel free to drop me a note card with the suggestion(s) listed with your avatars name on it and the date you sent it to me. Rebuilding a new home will be awesome and better then before. Again I apologize for the unfortunate mishap that has taken place. All will be set right once again.

See you on the grid
Nariko Kytori xoxox

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