Monday, November 30, 2009



Welcome my children this blog is to keep all members informed on all things that involve the Cainite's. You are welcome to add comments to this blog at any time you wish to do so. Here you will find the information you need to make your transition as smooth as possible. It will also help you learn what it is to be a true Cainite.

Sorry family I have been away but I will return to you soon. See you then Nariko Kytori.

In Cainite Horde we have a royal family that should and will be respected at all times. Their names are Starr Diavolo, Semin Deinmore and Nariko Kytori. These three people can help lead you in the right direction with any and all problems you might have, if you use the proper chain of command. This means talking to you liege. If you problems can not be resolved you are then to contact one of the above names for further instruction. If there is quick help you seek, please feel free to speak in group chat, this might help get you helpful information faster. Most royals usually are busy tending to other matters of the Horde, but if an emergency comes up please notify them they should be able to assist you with helpful information or lead you down the right path. Please remember not everything can be done in a day depending on what the issues are, so please be patient all will be well once again.

If you have any problems with a horde member, please contact your liege as soon as possible. We don't need any drama in the horde, we are a close family and we plan on keeping it that way. In the past we have had a few issues with certain members that caused great stress on the horde and almost ended it all. We no longer tolerate insubordinate behavior form any member and you will be booted.

Visitors are welcome on the Hordes sim, we have no problem with that as long as they know, and we bite. So if they plan on visiting the sim they may be asked to be bitten please beware. With that said if you have hang ups about vampires or lycans please don not visit the sim because nothing will be done about other vampires or lycans asking for a bite, after all we are Bloodlines Friendly.

If you know anyone who wants to know more about vampires or would like to join please let them know we give all opportunities for guest to look around hang out with the horde before they fully commit themselves to becoming a Cainite. Take as long as you need to decide if this horde is right for you. We don't pressure anyone into becoming members if they feel that the horde is not right for them.

Right now we have no sim because Nariko has to deal with some family issues. Until then we will await her return to us in second life. The sim will be up and running once again very soon. Things will return to normal as they once were. We are planning on building a Horde Store on the sim, where you can by different items, clothing, weapons, rent homes and space for shops. This will be open for anyone to rent on horde land.

Club Spawn will also reopen. For those of you who don't know Club Spawn is the hordes club. Live entertainment will appear as well as live dj's dancers and contest for all to enjoy, so keep your eyes and ears open for that.

Please stay tuned more will be added.

See you later Cainite's

1 comment:

  1. LOve the blog look forward to seeing more content and Horde posting info to keep it fresh.
